"Grandi Mostri ci Accompagnano"   "The Great Monsters Accompany Us"
How art has faced and overcome the "evil" that humans have historically encountered, such as plague, famine and war.
Under the theme of "Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano-The Great Monsters accompany us-", I would like to ask myself what humans have expressed through art in order to keep away the threat of evil.
The characteristic of the Ise Machi House, which gives the sight of seeing the inside through the window glass, is reminiscent of the online world seen through the screen of a computer. The whole interior is a connected image, which provides a visual experience that makes you feel as if you are looking through a window in an analog, online fictional world.
「Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano -大きな怪物たちと連れ立って-」をテーマに、悪への脅威を遠ざけるためにアートを通して人間が何を表現してきたかを改めて自身の中で問いたい。

"Maschere"     "Mask"
SEIBU SHIBUYA "Pre-Nakanojo Biennale 2019"
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